"To bear witness to God the Father, follow the teachings of Jesus Christ,
and be guided by the Holy Spirit."
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live-stream Mass on Sundays at
10:30 am.
Rev. Michael J. Goyette, Pastor
49 West North Street
Clayton, New Jersey 08312-1114
Main: (856) 881-9155 Fax: (856) 881-9166
What Do Catholics Believe?
The Papacy and Christian Unity
The Pope is the successor of Saint Peter and is the chief Pastor and shepherd of the whole Church.
Prayer is communication with God. Prayer can be public or personal, spoken or silent. In it's simplest definition ... prayer is a conversation. It's a conversation with God, Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. It's a conversation with any one of the Saints ... Mary, the Apostles, our favorite Patron. It's a conversation with any of the inhabitants of the heavenly realm. Friends don't stay friends very long if they don't talk to one another ... so pray.
The seasons of the Church follow one, universal, liturgical calendar.
Catholic Essentials
We follow spiritual law and foundation.
The Catholic Church has defined seven (7) Sacraments ... instituted by and through the life of Jesus Christ.
The Mass
The Eucharist is "the Source and Summit of the Christian life." The Eucharist is the heart and summit of the Church's life, for in it Christ associates His Church and all her members with His sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to His Father; by this sacrifice He pours out the graces of salvation on His Body which is the Church (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1407).
Current Issues
Our Parish Community stays informed with Catholic News and Perspective.
Additional Resources
Additional resources from around the web can provide additional insight into what Catholics believe and why ...